Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Change the verbs in the sentences to the Past tense, Future tense and Perfect present

No Tenses Sentences
1 past i spent my money
future i will spend my money
perfect i have spent my money

2 past they used that one
future they will use that one
perfect they have used that one

3 past we studied english together
future we will study english together
perfect we have studied english together

4 past they discussed their work
future they will discuss their work
perfect they have discussed their work

5 past they had enough time
future they will have enough time
perfect they had enough time

6 past I did all of the lessons
future I will do all of the lessons
perfect I have done all of the lessons

7 present he sits in that row
past he sat in that row
future he will sit in that row
present perfect he have sat in that row

8 past I drove my car
future I will drive my car
perfect I have driven my car

9 past she hid her money
future she will hide her money
perfect she have hidden her money

10 past we went to school
future wewill go to school
perfect we have gone to school

11 past he took much time
future he will take much time
perfect he have taken much time

12 past did he eat there
future will he eat there
present perfect has he eaten there

13 past did you enjoy that work?
future will you enjoy that work?
perfect have you enjoyed that work?

14 past did he write many latters?
future will he write many latters?
perfect has he written many latters?

15 past did you send many latters?
future will you send many latters?
perfect have you sent many latters?

16 past did they explain everything?
future will they explain everything?
perfect have they explained everything?

17 past did she attend that class?
future will she attend that class?
perfect have she attended that class?

18 past did you have enough time?
future will you have enough time?
perfect have you had enough time?

19 past did they copy the sentences?
future will they copy the sentences?
perfect have they copied the sentences?

20 past did she have much trouble?
future will she have much trouble?
perfect have she had much trouble?

21 past did she do good work?
future will she do good work?
perfect have she done good work?

22 past did the students practice?
future will the students practice?
perfect have the students practiced?

23 past i didn't stay there
future i won't stay there
present perfect i haven't stayed there

24 past he didn't work hard
future he won't work hard
perfect he hasn't worked hard

25 past I didn't have any energy
future I won't have any energy
perfect I haven't had any energy

26 past he didn't pay his bills
future he won't pay his bills
perfect he hasn't paid his bills

27 past we didn't see that fellow
future we won't see that fellow
perfect we haven't seen that fellow

28 past she didn't use this one
future she won't use this one
perfect she hasn't used this one

29 past they didn't remember it
future they won't remember it
perfect they haven't remembered it

30 past I didn't do much work here
future I won't do much work here
perfect I haven't done much work here

31 past he didn't listen carefully
future he won't listen carefully
present perfect he hasn't listened carefully

sumber : google .com

Perbedaan Past tense dan Present perfect

Past tense

Past tense adalah bentuk waktu yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau (bersifat sederhana) dan tidak ada hubungannnya sama sekali dengan masa sekarang. Pada kalimat positif (+) digunakan Kata Kerja Kedua (Verb 2). Pada kalimat negatif (-) tidak digunakan lagi kata kerja bentuk kedua (V2), namun digunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (V1). Begitupun pada kalimat pertanyaan. Namun pada kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan dipakai kata “Did” untuk menunjukkan bahwa itu kalimat Past Tense atau kalimat yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu kegiatan telah selesai dilakukan dalam bentuk negatif dan pertanyaan. Pada kalimat pertanyaan, “Did” diletakkan pada awal kalimat, kemudian diikuti oleh Subjek dan kata kerja pertama (V1).
Past tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebuah kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lampau.

Ciri penandanya misalnya terdapat kata :
-Last week
-Last years
-Last Saturday, dsb

Rumus :
( + ) S + V2
( - ) S + did not + V1
( ? ) Did + S + V1

Contoh :
( + ) I went to Campus yesterday.
( Saya pergi ke Kampus kemarin.)

( - ) I did not go to Campus yesterday.
( Saya tidak pergi ke Kampus kemarin.)

( ? ) Did you go to Campus yesterday ?
(Apakah kamu pergi ke Kampus kemarin ?

Present perfect

Present perfect adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah dkerjakan (pada masa lampau). Masa lampau bisa sekarang, baru saja, tadi, kemarin, minggu lalu, bulan lalu, tahun lalu & dsb. Waktu yang demikian itu harus menggunakan bentuk present perfect. Semua kata kerja (Verb) yang digunakan adalah Verb 3. Ini menjadi salah satu ciri dari Perfect. Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menggambarkan sebuah kejadian yang telah terjadi pada waktu yang tidak tentu (mungkin karena lupa waktunya) di masa lampau atau kejadian yang dilakukan lebih dari satu kali di masa lampau, atau kejadian yang dilakukan di masa lampau namun masih terjadi sampai saat ini. Selain itu ciri dari Present Perfect adalah menggunakan Has/Have. Has digunakan pada Subjek tunggal (She, He, It, Ranny, Mother, dll). Sedangkan Have digunakan pada Subjek jamak (They, We, I, You).

Biasanya kalimat present perfect ditandai misalnya dengan kata :
-Since 1995
-Three times
-Two times & dsb

Rumus :

( + ) S + have/has + V3
( - ) S + have/has + Not + V3
( ? ) Have/has + S + V3

Contoh :

( + ) He has lived there for two years ago.
(Dia telah tinggal di sana selama dua tahun.)
( - ) They haven’t come here yet.
(Mereka belum datang kemari.)
( ? ) Have you eaten your bread ?
(Apakah kamu sudah makan rotimu ?)

Verb 2 dan verb 3
Bentuk awal Verb 2 Verb 3 Arti
awake awoke awoken bangun/bangkit
be was,were been adalah/to be/copula
beat beat beaten mengalahkan
become became become menjadi
begin began begun mulai
bend bent bent membengkokan
bet bet bet bertaruh
bid bid bid tawaran
bite bit bitten mengigit
blow blew blown meniup
break broke broken mematahkan
bring brought brought membawa
broadcast broadcast broadcast menyiarkan
build built built membangun
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt membakar
buy bought bought membeli
catch caught caught menangkap
choose chose chosen memilih
come came come datang
cost cost cost biaya
cut cut cut memotong
dig dug dug menggali
do did done melakukan
draw drew drawn menarik
dream dreamed dreamed bermimpi
drive drove driven mengemudi
drink drank drunk minum
eat eate eaten makan
fall fell fallen jatuh
fell felt felt merasakan
fight fought fought berkelahi
find found found menemukan
fly flew flown terbang
forget forgot forgotten lupa
forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan
freeze froze frozen membeku
get got gotten mendapatkan
give gave given memberikan
go went gone pergi
grow grew grown tumbuhan
hang hung hung menggantung
have had had mempunyai
hear heard heard mendengar
hide hid hidden sembunyi
hit hit hit memukul
hold held held menahan
hurt hurt hurt terluka
keep kept kept menyimpan
know known known mengetahui
lay laid laid merebahkan
learn learned learned belajar
lead led led memimpin
leave left left meninggalkan
lend lent lent meminjamkan
let let let membiarkan
lie lay lain bohong
meet met met bertemu
put put put menaruh
read read read membaca
mean meant meant maksud
los lost lost kehilangan
make made made membuat
ring rang rung membunyikan
say said said mengatakan
run ran run lari

sumber :

vocabulary "Things in the office"

Paper cutter = pemotong kertas

binding machine = mesin jilid

laminating machines = mesin laminating

typewriter = mesin tik

fax machine = mesin fax

attendance machine = mesin absensi

office chairs = kursi kantor

office desk = meja kantor

office furniture = mebel kantor

drawing table = meja gambar

notebook = buku agenda

office book = buku kantor

jotter = buku notes

money counter machine = mesin penghitung uang

projector = projektor

stapler = stapler

hole punch = pelubang kertas

paper shredder = mesin penghancur kertas

safe box = kotak aman

ordner = ordner

card album = kartu album

brankas = brankas

wall clock = jam dinding

pen = pulpen

type-x = tipe-x

eraser = penghapus

computer = komputer

laptop = laptop

air conditioning = ac

financial statements = laporan keuangan

receipts = kuitansi

sofa = sofa

clip = klip

folder = map

stamp = stempel

book = buku

check = cek

proposal = proposal

cash money = uang kas

meeting room = uang meeting

financial head = kepala keuangan

administrative head = kepala administrasi

secretary = sekertaris

toilet = toilet

division head =kepala divisi

manager = manajer

director = direktur

employees = karyawan

head of personnel = kepala personalia

telephone = telepon

journal = jurnal

subdivision head = kepala subdivisi

tax invoice = faktur pajak

dispenser = dispenser

genset = genset

car park = parkiran

door = pintu

window = jendela

printer = printer

television = televisi

paper = kertas

envelope = amplop

mosque = mesjid

mosque = mesjid

canteen = kantin

pay slips = slip gaji

securities firms = surat berharga perusahaan

glass = kaca

security guard = satpam

charger = charger

lamp = lampu

blackboard = papan tulis

markers = spidol

detector machines = mesin detektor

trash can = tempat sampah

shelf = rak

drawer = laci

queue machine = mesin antrian

coin counting machine =mesin hitung koin

letterhead = kop surat

savings account = rekening tabungan

fan = kipas

fence = pagar

plant = tanaman

painting = lukisan

image = gambar-gambar

cc tv = cc tv

carpet = karpet

waiting room = ruang tunggu

faucet = keran air

fire extinguishers = alat pemadam kebakaran

modem = modem

cable = kabel

outlet = colokan listrik

tenders = tender

ruler = penggaris

company profile = profil perusahaan

keyboard = keyboard

flashdisk = flashdisk

washtafell = washtafell

sumber :