Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Seeing People Personality of fart

as long as there has been no serious research about the fart, but farting is the habit of a person if the logic of entry will also, now there is some research from a British psychologist named Albert Wein, but still needs assessments to ensure this farting problem further. of conclusions:

1. Hypocrites. The person who farts but blames others, like the thief shouted thief but after Otang accused of Ko-Ko as a suspect he will cengar wry smile with delight.
2. Health Care for People Gak. People who hold farts for hours sometimes until suffering kembing or abdominal pain.
3. People of Wisdom. People who know when to ngentut and tau regulate the volume of gas released.
4. People who are miserable. People who really want but can not ngentut ngentut if the can-can force the waste out ... Pret ... Pret.
5. People who MYSTERIOUS. If no one knows fart and not going unnoticed.
6. People who GUGUPAN. All of a sudden stop farting while enjoying ngentut.
7. People CONFIDENCE. People who think that farts melodious sound and smell exactly the turtledove gig wangi.biadanya he would show off her grinning
8. Sadist. Holding farts with his hands and arms diusapkan into his nose after it ran dambil satisfied laugh ... ....
9. People SHY. If it does not fart sound but his face suddenly flushed with the smell spread everywhere.
10. STRATEGIC people. Hide farts sound with guffaw.
11. People FOOL. After ngentut then take a deep breath to replace the 'air' that just came out.
12. Miser. If ngentut ditidak expelled all, out little by little dampai sound ... ngik !!!!.
13. Proud people. Nice to smell his own farts, he'd be proud if the smell of farts and farts could spread rhythm.
14. FRIENDLY people. Nice to smell the farts of others and not just perotes or angry.
15. People who are GOOD HEART: If you want to hide
16. People 'aquatic'. It's good to fart in the water until the sound blukutuk ... blukutuk ...
17. People athletic. If farts are very excited to contraction
18. HONEST person. Want to confess that he had farted.
19. People Smart. Can distinguish people from the smell of farts.
20. The most unlucky people worldwide. If farts usually transmissivity
21. People diligent. Often smell the fart in wherever he was ...

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Tips for Being a Positive Parent

How to become a positive parent?

1. Confidence and trust to the children grow
Mayke explain parents need to create a safe environment and support the children to explore. Because by getting both cases, the child may initiate steps to provide freedom for the child bereksplorasi.Ingat bereksplorsi tantamount to stimulate and give the child freedom to be creative

How, parents need to believe in ourselves so that is not easily worried or anxious by what the children. Then give also the trust and opportunity to children to try new things and rangsanglah child to create something new that can stimulate their creativity.

"Parents who fear their children sick, and limit its activity makes the child does not develop, and thinking of creative ideas will be constrained so that at times appeared dipikiran terpendan children and eventually will disappear. Parents need to provide a safe place to play and comfortable for the child can grow optimally in the physical environment and psikososialnya, "he continued.

2. Set aside time together (Hold a habit to gather together)
Healthy relationships and bonding with the child needs to be established and pursued by the parents. After all the attention and positive support from you to give confidence to the child.

How, search and create time to do activities together and communicate with the child. In this way children feel loved. Her confidence grew optimally with a specific time given parents to build relationships.
give positive inputs, opinions and teach a sense of responsibility towards children, encourage children to solve problems of small and value their opinions ... .. Daddy example see why our bathroom was dirty and smelly huh? if by adi how? need to split the task donk? adi have another opinion?

3. Be a role model
One of the parents' task is to inculcate positive values ​​are consistent with doing things the easy to remember and be seen! Never consistency is violated on the grounds that we are making it up in front of children. Children will grow to understand the meaning of responsibility if parents run a task with appropriate planting value.

The trick, give a good example and role model for children, give signs of what may and may not be done, and most importantly, intra-and inter-individual consistency.

"If parents get up early to get lazy, the child will imitate. So, be a good role model, "said Mayke.

As for consistency, make sure the father or mother is not influenced by emotion in giving signs to the child. Do not make children confused with a different attitude from his father and or mother, or inconsistencies both in running parenting. Children will become confused and anxious, which may be done and what is not.

4. Understanding child
Children will grow optimally if you get the understanding and the appropriate stimulation from their parents. Therefore parents need to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of children.

"Do not push children to be quiet, for example. Children three years old can sit still that's amazing, but do not force him, "said Mayke.

Stimulation of praise should also be given, but do not overdo it. Bring a sense of pride when your child succeed spend time getting food or achievement in school. But do not stop there, children also need support when it fails or even hesitate when doing something. Encouragement and positive support from parents helps the child's development.

5. Able to cope with stress
Positive parenting is the key to success is the ability of parents to cope with stress or pressure. Ability to cope with stress will affect communication with your child, become more positive. As much as possible stress that we experience the environment of children should not be brought on by angry without cause or negative attitudes in the eyes of a child is considered as something that they fear!

How, parents need to learn to control themselves in dealing with emotions. If you feel the need to ask for help from an expert or do just relaxation and spiritual connection.

When facing problems, we recommend that parents need to focus on solutions and not run away from reality. Including when conflicts occur in pairs, then you should get up antarpasangan open communication. Create also open communication with people involved in parenting as a friend or parent. In addition to learning from the experience of others, you too can be at once united understanding of how parenting in the house so they can understand and follow while flying near your baby.

6. Finally the parents also need to continue to learn to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of self.
Developing attitude to learn and willing to turn into a way to explore themselves more positively as orangtua.sering-often chat and communicate with children and do the reflection with your partner what the advantages or disadvantages of each in educating children!

children are the future assets and also the assets of state resources to education so do we create a monster in the future!

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Who does not have a facebook? Almost every Internet user can be sure people have a facebook. because everyone can easily are connected. This also provides benefits tersendri for those of you who intend / like a business Online. facebook is a promo for the obvious media is its consumer. Perhaps one or some of them that are your market share. How do I?

There are several steps that can be used, these steps do not have to order you can combine them:

1. You must have the account up, if not please list with your Indetitas Clear.
2. Add your friends as much as possible, leboh better, add friends who have a clear relationship, for example,'s Schools: elementary, junior high school, vocational school, college, Neighbor, Friend Work. Many Kan? You live Seacrh only.
3. In add friends, you should not blindly, as you can in Cap As a Spammer by Facebook. Your Account heaviest punishment can be deleted. so add to the Wise.
4. While Menabah friends, you can write Wall (Wall) + Upload Your Product Or Link to your Web.
5. For photos you can not ever my TAG your friends in photos, but not too often. If too often and your friends feel uncomfortable you can be in the "accused as a Spammer"
6. For those of you who have more capital will be more effective to make ads on FB, paid of course. To my knowledge ranging from $ 5. Ads will appear next to Right FB.
7. For development you can make the Page / Groups and pasangakan Widget on your website (if you have a website).
8. Along pertumbukan add friends with affiliates like that for example Friends School, Work, One region, the same hobby, etc..
9. Interactive is very important in the Business World, make sure you are responsive and communicative in responding to your Prospect.
10. Use FB fairly and wisely, do not seem "offensive " and blindly.


Black Tea Lower Cholesterol

Who does not know black tea, which is not alien found in Indonesian society, for a drink that we consume daily. Indonesia is known as the Fifth largest producer of black tea in the world.

World tea production is actually dominated by black tea, as much as 78 percent, 20 percent of the production of green tea, oolong tea while only two percent.

For the processing of green tea without fermentation, whereas black tea undergo full fermentation. Green tea is good for health because it contains catechins, black tea is actually more complete because the addition of antioxidants in catechins, also contains theaflavins.

Although katekinnya not as much green tea, black tea manufacturing process makes the antioxidant catechins transformed into theaflavins. Theaflavins of black tea is what makes the reddish color and fresh taste when drunk.

The content of black tea theaflavins that makes superior. Theaflavins have free radical capture rate is higher than epigallo catechin gallate found in green tea. In addition, theaflavin enhance natural antioxidants in the body. Theaflavins have a stronger antioxidant activity than vitamins E and C.

Take two cups of black tea is very good to protect heart health. Because the two cups a day may help reduce the buildup of cholesterol by 40 percent. Effect of cholesterol reduction could reach 70 percent if we consume eight cups of black tea a day.

Black tea contributed to prevent blood vessels from cholesterol accumulation because the content of antioxidants in it that inhibit the oxidation of bad cholesterol. When LDL is oxidized, blockage of blood vessels prone to occur.

Now people drink water because they think water is healthier. If you drink water, you can only water. If you drink black tea, you can water, catechins, and theaflavins.

Tea should be drunk as much as people consume water. People can drink as much as eight glasses of water a day or the equivalent of two liters. Tea also may drink that much.

However, there remain certain limitations in drinking tea. Pregnant women are advised not to drink lots of strong tea because tea is binding nature of certain nutrients. Tea is known to bind iron, leaving it vulnerable menyebabbkan pregnant women affected by anemia.

Drinking tea is part of a healthy lifestyle. "Like the Japanese people who live holistically healthy. They drink tea every day.

The addition of sugar in tea drinks menuru, will not damage the nutritional content. "A teaspoon of sugar equivalent to 60 calories. Sometimes we do not simply just one tablespoon, instead there is an add three tablespoons at a time. This is not a problem for people who slim, but for people who are overweight, will become a serious problem.

Nutritional quality of tea, apart from quality and price of the tea leaf itself, is also more influenced by the way of brewing. Enter the tea into hot water and stirred to speed perserapan catechins.

Best indeed consume the tea is brewed and drunk immediately. It may also drink bottled tea, but be aware of the process of storage. We recommend that tea is not exposed to sunlight.

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1.Pengertian TOEFL
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) adalah standardisasi kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang secara tertulis (de jure) yang meliputi empat aspek penguasaan: Listening, Writing dan Reading.. Tes ini dikembangkan dan diselenggarakan oleh ETS (Educational Testing Service) sebuah lembaga nirlaba yang berkedudukan di Amerika Serikat dan pertama kali diselenggarakan pada tahun 1964.

2. Tujuan Test TOEFL

a. Academic adalah menggunakan test untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di luar negeri, ataupun di Indonesia. Untuk paska sarjana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah 550. sedangkan untuk S1 adalah 500

b. General pada umumnya digunakan untuk tujuan pekerjaan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas kerja. Banyak perusahaan yang memasang standar bahasa inggris karyawannya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL – nya. Umumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal adalah 500 untuk kenaikan pangkat standar.

3. Jenis tes TOEFL
Terdapat dua jenis tes TOEFL, yaitu :

a.Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL
Jenis tes TOEFL ini adalah tes TOEFL yang kita kenal selama ini, dimana baik soal maupun jawaban dikerjakan dengan menggunakan kertas dan pensil.

b.Computer Based TOEFL
Tes TOEFL ini adalah model tes yang relatif baru karena pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1998. Seperti yang tertera pada namanya, tes ini menggunakan komputer dalam penyampaian soalnya dan peserta tes akan menjawab tes ini juga melalui komputer.

Untuk keperluan pra-seleksi ataupun keperluan intern suatu lembaga, maka ETS sebagai lembaga pengembang dan penyelenggara tes TOEFL juga menyelenggarakan TOEFL ITP (ITP= Institutional Testing Programme). Jumlah soal dan tingkat kesulitan TOEFL ITP tidak berbeda dengan Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL maupun Computer Based TOEFL, karena memang soal-soal yang digunakan pada TOEFL ITP adalah soal tes TOEFL yang telah pernah digunakan sebelumnya. Perbedaan yang perlu diketahui oleh mereka yang merencanakan mengikuti tes TOEFL adalah bahwa skor yang diperoleh dariTOEFL ITP dalam pengunaannya terbatas.. Perbedaan lainnya adalah dalam hal biaya tes. Saat ini biaya Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL maupun Computer Based TOEFL adalah sebesar US $ 110, sedangkan TOEFL ITP biayanya relatif lebih murah yaitu sebesar US $ 25. Perlu juga diketahui bahwa Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL dan Computer Based TOEFL hanya diselenggarakan di Test Center tertentu dengan jadwal tes yang telah ditentukan jauh hari sebelumnya, sedangkan TOEFL ITP jadwal penyelenggaraannya lebih fleksibel dan di Indonesia dilaksanakan oleh IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) dengan berkoordinasi dengan pusat bahasa yang ada di perguruan tinggi negeri.
Selain TOEFL ITP, juga ada TOEFL Prediction/Equivalent Test yang biasanya digunakan untuk memperkirakan skor TOEFL seseorang sebelum yang bersangkutan mengikuti tes TOEFL lainnya (Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL, Computer Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP). Jenis tes TOEFL Prediction ini pada umumnya diselenggarakan oleh lembaga/pusat bahasa atau tempat-tempat kursus yang menyelenggarakan pelatihan TOEFL.

4. Apakah ada perbedaan dalam sistem penilaian Paper dan Pencil Based TOEFL, Computer Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP dan TOEFL Prediction Test?

Sistem penilaian atau skor yang digunakan untuk Paper and Pencil BasedTOEFL, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL Prediction Test dan Computer Based TOEFLmemang berbeda. Hal ini dilakukan tentu dengan maksud agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman dalam penafsiran skor yang dilaporkan peserta tes. Rentang skor yang digunakan oleh Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP, danTOEFL Prediction Test adalah 310 (nilai terendah) s.d 677 (nilai tertinggi), sedangkan untuk Computer Based TOEFL, nilai terendah adalah 0 dan nilai tertinggi 300 (TOEFL Score User Guide, 2000-2001). Tingkat kesulitan soal untuk keseluruhan jenis tes ini tentu saja sama, sehingga dapat dikatakan mereka yang memperoleh skor 677 pada Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL diperkirakan akan memperoleh skor 300 pada Computer Based TOEFL, dan sebaliknya jika seorang peserta tes memperoleh skor 213 dalam tes TOEFL yang menggunakan komputer (Computer Based TOEFL), maka skor yang bersangkutan pada Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL adalah 550.

5.Bagaimana hubungan skor yang diperoleh dengan tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris seseorang?

Secara umum kita mengenal tiga level penguasaan bahasa asing, yaitu Tingkat Dasar (Elementary), Tingkat Menengah (Intermediate), dan Tingkat Mahir (Advanced). untuk skor TOEFL, para ahli bahasa biasanya mengelompokkan skor ini kedalam empat level berikut ( Carson, et al., 1990):
a.Tingkat Dasar (Elementary) : 310 s.d. 420
b.Tingkat Menengah Bawah (Low Intermediate) : 420 s.d. 480
c.Tingkat Menengah Atas (High Intermediate) : 480 s.d. 520
d.Tingkat Mahir (Advanced) : 525 s.d 677

Dengan mengetahui klasifikasi tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris seperti yang terlihat diatas, kita tentu bisa memaklumi bahwa sangatlah beralasan mengapa perguruan tinggi di negara-negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa resminya, mensyaratkan skor TOEFL tertentu bagi calon mahasiswa internasional mereka. Untuk bisa diterima di program S1, skor yang umumnya mereka tetapkan adalah sekitar 475 s.d. 550, sedangkan untuk masuk program S2 dan S3 persyaratan skor TOEFLnya lebih tinggi lagi yaitu sekitar 550 s.d. 600.
Beberapa perguruan tinggi di Indonesia telah menetapkan skor TOEFL tertentu bagi para mahasiswanya (Huda, 1999). Dalam kaitannya dengan upaya peningkatan kualitas lulusan perguruan tinggi, peraturan yang mengharuskan mahasiswa perguruan tinggi memiliki penguasaan TOEFL sampai pada tingkat tertentu diharapkan akan berdampak positif dan seharusnya kita dukung. Penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang baik diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir dan bekerja pada tingkat global, suatu kondisi kerja dimasa depan yang perlu kita persiapkan sejak sekarang.

6. Apakah nilai TOEFL seseorang menjamin kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang?

Umumnya, orang memahami bahwa bahasa inggris adalah speaking, conversation, cas cis cus dan seterusnya. Bahasa inggris mengcover 4 skill utama yaitu: Listening (pencernaan kata melalui pendengaran), Writing (pencernaan kata melalui tulisan dan tata bahasanya), reading (pencernaan makna sebuah text bahasa) dan Speaking (mampu mengucapkannya).
Berbicara tentang penguasaan bahasa, maka tidak bisa dilepaskan dari penguasaan empat skill tadi, secara sempurna. Namun, banyak yang beranggapan, yang penting adalah kemampuan mengucapkannya, meski dengan tata bahasa yang penuh toleransi dan pilihan kata yang seadanya dan asal ketemu.

7. Kapan dan dimana seseorang bisa mengikuti tes TOEFL?

Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL dan Computer Based TOEFL hanya bisa ditempuh pada waktu tertentu yang telah terjadwal jauh hari sebelum tes diselenggarakan. Tempat atau testing center dimana kedua tes ini diselenggarakan juga telah ditentukan oleh ETS sebagai pemegang lisensi tesTOEFL. Kedua macam tes TOEFL yang diselenggarakan di testing center tertentu tsb. biasa juga disebut International TOEFL. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk membedakan keduanya dengan TOEFL ITP dan TOEFL Equivalent/Prediction.
Sedangkan untuk mengikuti TOEFL ITP, peserta tes harus menghubungi Institusi yang telah ditunjuk oleh IIEF Jakarta sebagai tempat pelaksanaan. Untuk pelaksanaan TOEFL ITP diperlukan peserta minimal 10 orang. Balai Bahasa Unmul sejak tahun 2001 merupakan salah satu institusi yang berhak menyelenggarakan TOEFL ITP.
Jenis tes TOEFL Prediction/Equivalent merupakan jenis tes yang paling fleksibel pelaksanaannya. Di Balai Bahasa Unmul, tes ini juga merupakan tes yang paling banyak diikuti oleh mereka yang ingin mengukur penguasaan bahasa Inggris untuk berbagai keperluan. Setiap saat peserta tes dapat mengikuti tes ini dengan menghubungi Balai Bahasa Unmul minimal satu hari sebelum hari penyelenggaraan.

8. Cara meningkatkan TOEFL

a.Mengikuti kursus TOEFL Preparation dan/atau IELTS Preparation yang diselenggarakan oleh lembaga-lembaga kursus di kota Anda
b. Belilah buku-buku TOEFL/IELTS yang banyak tersedia di toko-toko buku. Pelajari materinya dengan baik. Simak dan kuasai setiap tips and tricks. Yakinlah, tidak lama lagi skor TOEFL/IELTS Anda akan melejit.
c.Download buku TOEFL/IELTS yang ada di intern

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Subject-verb agreement and Verbs as compliments

Subject-verb agreement
Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences
1. Neither Bill nor Mary is to the play tonight.
2. Anything is better tha going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating is becoming more popular everyday.
4. A number of reporters were at the conference yesterday.
5. Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glases were on the bureau last night
7. There were some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committee have alredy reached a decision
9. A pair of jeans were in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student has answered the first three questions.
11. Either John or his wife make breakfast each morning
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that every thing were in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game were wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all the ducks away.
15. The jury are trying to reach a decision.
16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter are appaling.
18. There have been too many interruption in this class.
19. Every elementary scholl teacger has to take tihis examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before.

Verbs as compliments
Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following senocness
1. The teacher decided to accept the paper.
2. They appreciate having this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
4. We found it very difficult to reach a decision.
5. Donna is interested in opening a bar.
6. George has no intention of leaving the city now.
7. We are eager to return to school in the fall.
8. You would be better off buying this car.
9. She refused to accept the give
10. Mary regrets being the one to have to tell him.
11. Goorge pretented to be sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.
13. They agreed to leave carly.
14. Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready to stop this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk driving so fast.
17. He demands to know what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to returning to her country.
19. There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after to leave the game.

Arti kata dari Subject Verb Agreement dan Verbs as Compilment

Verb that are always followed by the infinitive

Agrre : setuju
Desire : keinginan
Intend : berkehendak
Prepare : persiapan
Tend : merawat
Attempt : berusaha
Fail : gagal
Learn : belajar
Pretend : berpura-pura
Try : mencoba
Claim : tuntutan
Forget : lupa
Need : membutuhkan
Refuse : menolak
Want : kebutuhan
Decide : menentukan
Hesitate : ragu-ragu
Offer : mengorbankan
Seem : kiranya
Wish : berdoa
Demand : mendesak
Hope : berharap
Plan : rencana
Strive : berusaha

Verbs that are always followed by the gerunds

Admit : mengakui
Delay : keterlambatan
Miss : meleset
Regret : sesalan
Risk : resiko
Appreciate : menghargai
Deny : menyangkal
Postpone : menunda
Report : laporan
Suggest : menyarankan
Avoid : menghindari
Enjoy : menikmati
Practice : latihan
Resent : menyesalkan
Can’t help : tidak dapat membantu
Finish : mengakhiri
Quit : berhenti
Resist : menentang
Consider : mempertimbangkan
Mind : pikiran
Recall : penarikan kembali
Resume : mulai lagi

The following verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund with no change in meaning

Begin : memulai
Like : menyukai
Can’t stand : tidak tahan
Love : cinta
Continue : melanjutkan
Prefer : lebih suka
Dread : ketakutan
Start : tempat berangkat
Hate : membenci

The following list consists of verbs + prepositions

Approve of : menyetujui
Give up : menyerah
Rely on : mengandalkan
Worry about : khawatir tentang
Be better of : lebih baik dari
Insist on : bersikeras
Succeed in : berhasil
Count on : mengandalkan
Keep on : terus
Think about : berpikir tentang
Depend on : bergantung pada
Put off : menunda
Think of : memikirkan

These verb + prepositions expression must also be followed by the gerund
Object to : keberatan
Look forward to : menantikan
Confess to : mengaku

The following tives + prepositions are also followed by the gerund

Accustomed to : terbiasa
Intent on : bermaksud
Afraid of : takut
Interested in : tertarik
Capable of : mampu
Successful in : berhasil
Fond on : suka
Tired on : lelah

The following no prepositions are also followed by the gerund

Choice of : pilihan
Possibility of : kemungkinan
Excause of : alasan untuk
Intention of : maksud
Reason for : alasan
Method for : metode
Method of : metode untuk

The following adjectives are followed by the infinitive form of the verband never by the gerund

Anxious : khawatir
Eager : ingin
Pleased : senang
Usual : yang biasa
Boring : bosan
Easy : mudah
Prepared : mempersiapkan
Common : keadaan yang biasa
Dangerous : berbahaya
Good : baik
Ready : siap
Difficult : sulit
Hard : keras
Strange : aneh
Able : dapat

Some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund, by meaning change
Stop : berhenti
Remember : mengingat
Forget : lupa

The following expressions also have no effect on the verb

Together with : bersama dengan
Accompanied by : disertai dengan
Along with : bersama dengan
As well as : serta

Words that always take singular verbs and pronouns

Anybody : siapa saja
Anyone : siapapun
Anything : apapun
Nobody : tak seorangpun
No one : tak seorangpun
Nothing : apa-apa
Somebody : beberapa orang
Someone : seseorang
Something : sesuatu
Every : setiap
Everybody : semua orang
Everyone : semua orang
Everything : semuanya

Coolective noun

Congress : kongres
Organizations : organisasi
Government : pemerintah
Family : keluarga
Team : tim
Jury : juri
Group : grup
Army : tentara
Majority : mayoritas
committee : komite
Club : klub
Minority : minoritas
Class : kelas
Crowd : orang banyak
Public : public

The following nouns are used to indicate groups of certain animals

Flock of birds, sheep : kawanan burung, domba
herd of cattle : kawanan ternak
pack of dogs : pak anjing
school of fish : sekolah ikan
pride of lions : kebanggaan singa

The following nouns are always considered plural

scissors : gunting
trousers : celana
shorts : celana pendek
glasses : kacamata
pants : celana
pliers : tang
jeans : jins
tweezers : pinset
tongs : penjepit