Senin, 16 Mei 2011

7 Kalimah

Bismillah ....
".... crescent to appear himself, reminded the earth, to rebuke man who underestimate ... "

Whoever memorized the seven sentences, he respected noble in the sight of Allah and the Angels and his sins forgiven even though at sea :

1. Say Bismillah in each wanted to do something.
2. Say Alhamdulillah on each finished doing something.
3. Astagfirullah say if the tongue tucked inappropriate words.
4. Thank God willing, if planning to do something on the day tomorrow.
5. La haula say wala kuwwata illa billah when faced with something not desirable and undesirable.
6. Inna say lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun if facing and accepting the disaster.
7. Say La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Messenger of Allah throughout the day and night so that is not separate from his tongue.

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