Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Job Interview Success Secrets

Preparation appearance
Confidence is the most important thing in doing a job interview. Appearance is one thing that can increase confidence. For it could not hurt to prepare for your appearance seriously.

The first thing you do is know the culture of the company. How do I dress there. Whether formal or casual? Keep in mind, dressed as casually as any culture prevailing in the company, does not mean you are also allowed to wear casual clothes during the interview. This could be the value of your seriousness. If you do not want to appear too formal, better choose a dark colored jeans combined with a short shirt and blazer. Do not ever wear flip-flops. Stay true professional.

"The point is, learn first company culture where we are going to interview. Find out what is usually charged there. Then wear clothes that kind, but with an interesting personal touch and creative," says designer Moses Widyatmodjo Yahoo! Style Factor.

Moses also gives advice in choosing the color of clothing during the interview. According to him, "Avoid black color. I guarantee you, almost all interviewees chose the color black. Be more intelligent so as to provide a deeper impression. For example, choose the color brown, blue, red and so on," he said.

When finished selecting clothing, now is the time you prepare yourself. No need hair in a scene with high sasakan and bun. I could have you actually seen as coming to the party. Simply wash and dry your hair naturally. Hair Hygiene is also forgetting the value added for appearance.

To make up, choose one that is natural and not excessive. Thin powder, natural colored blush, mascara and lip balm enough to make you look fresh during the interview.

Know the company
The day before the interview, do a little 'research' about the company you apply. This will make you familiar with the company more deeply. This will make the interviewer was impressed. In addition, it also can be used as a sign that you are really interested for a career in the company.

Nothing wrong to ask friends or relatives to pretend to be your interviewer. Ask them to ask for things that might be a problem during the interview. It aims to anticipate the questions that are not unexpected during an interview later.

Do not be late
Never too late to come during a job interview. Feelings of panic before the interview will make your confidence disturbed. Job interview was not running smoothly. Minimal came half an hour before the interview. With came first, you also have the opportunity to spruce up the appearance, calm down and adapt to the interview.

Body language, smiles and eye contact
As the interview progresses, do not forget your body language. Show that you are really interested in the job. Enforce the body, eye contact when speaking and do not forget to smile, so that your tension is reduced. But do not do it excessively, because it will only make you look weird.

Show also that you are a person with a warm and pleasant personality. It's easy, just handshakes greeted the interviewer with a firm but warm. It also shows that you are the people who believe in themselves.

Answer all questions honestly. Interview is a forum to demonstrate your value. But not to also lied and exaggerated. This will only make a trap for yourself.

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